Cooperative Federated Multi-Agent Control of Large-Scale Systems

Qing Dong, Kristen Bradshaw, Frank Ferrese, Li Bai, and Saroj Biswas


Multi-agent, Cooperative control, Federated control


Cooperative control of large-scale dynamics has been the object of extensive recent research. This paper presents a federated control concept to design cooperative control of interactive agents in a multi-agent system. Multi-agent systems are computational systems in which two or more agents interact or work together to perform a set of tasks or to satisfy a set of goals. Agents work cooperatively toward achieving some common goals or interact to advance their own goals. In large systems, which are made of identical or near-identical sub-systems (agents), cooperation plays a critical role. In such systems, as is often the case in control system design, stability, system response, and robustness are the most important terms to be considered. However, conventional centralized control schemes are not suitable for such large-scale systems because of their complex local and global dynamic behavior, as well as computational difficulties. A multi-agent based federated control system is composed of local autonomous agents that cooperate to provide a large-scale system behavior. In this concept, each agent interacts with other agents and correspondingly maintains its control laws to satisfy the overall system performance requirements. In this paper, an example of the predator-prey population management scheme is developed using a multi-agent cooperative behavior control method in order to meet federated and local control goals.

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