Design of Sliding Surface for a Class of Mismatched Uncertain Systems to Achieve Output Tracking

Chih-Chiang Cheng, Yan-Si Lin, and Wen-Chi Chiu


Variable Structure Control, Non-Linear Control, Adaptive Control, Mismatched Uncertainty


Based on the Lyapunov stability theorem, a methodology of designing a sliding mode control (SMC) scheme is proposed in this paper for a class of dynamic systems with matched and mismatched perturbations to solve output tracking problems. Firstly, by utilizing a pseudo control input embedded in the designed novel sliding surface function, one can suppress the mismatched perturbations of the controlled system in the sliding mode. Then, a sliding mode controller is derived to guarantee the existence of sliding mode in finite time. The upper bound of perturbations except that of input uncertainty is not required during the design process due to the utilization of adaptive mechanisms. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the characteristics and validity of the results.

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