Rotation Potential Method based Axial Compressor Low-Speed Characteristics Expansion Prediction in Aero-Engine Modeling

Xianghua Huang, Tianhong Zhang, and Chao Tian


Aero-engine, Modeling and simulation, Axial compressor, Rotation Potential, Low speed characteristic curves expansion


Axial compressor low-speed characteristics data are required during the aero-engine low speed even start phase simulation and modeling phases. A method is provided for the low speed compressor curves expansion process given that the high speed operating features is available. The concept of Rotation Potential (or RP) method is proposed for illustrating the alternative dimension of compressor feature curves shown in the pressure ratio, mass flow and compressor power consumption diagram. Simulation results and rig test data comparison presentation was carried out for verification and validation based on single-spool turboprop and turboshaft engine model analysis.

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