Marcelo Rudek, Osiris Canciglieri Junior, and Fábio Catani
Tomography Image, 3D Reconstruction, Bone Segmentation, Synthetic Spheres Modelling
This paper presents a method for visualization of displacement between the centre of the femoral head and acetabulum cavity centre. The measurement is performed in 3D tomography reconstructed images. The femoral head and acetabulum cavity can be represented by synthetic spheres and can be reconstructed based on the slice information of each bone of the joint. With the two spheres it is possible to measure the degree of the displacement between the centres. This representation gives support to the specialized doctors in their diagnostic of hip subluxation in children with cerebral paralysis, once that this problem causes pain because the acetabulum and femur disengagement. The proposal method is a compilation of some computational techniques of image handling such as bone segmentation using Hough Transform, chain code for reduction of the number of the points, Delaunay triangulation to perform a 3D reconstruction and OpenGL graphic library. A software prototype was constructed to validate the method proposed.
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