Managing Evolution of Service Centric Systems by Test Models

Michael Felderer, Berthold Agreiter, and Ruth Breu


Software Lifecycle Management, System Evolution, Regression Testing, Service Centric Systems


For various reasons, service centric systems are subject to continuous evolution. Therefore, regular adaptations to their tests are essential to keep, or even improve, their quality of service. In this paper, we present a model-based approach to manage tests for evolving service centric systems. We do so by attaching state machines to all model elements of our system model and test model to manage the consistent evolution of the system and its tests. In our approach, a modification to an arbitrary model element is propagated to related model elements. As a consequence, also these model elements may change their state. Based on test requirements, our approach enables the selective generation and automatic execution of a minimal regression test suite. We demonstrate our approach by a real-world industrial example.

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