Direct Substitution of Coal with Wood Pellets during Full-Scale Tests in a Wall-Fired Boiler: Effect on Gaseous Emissions of NOx, CO, CO2, and SO2

P. Geddis and M. Thomson (Canada)


Biomass co-firing; wall-fired boiler; emissions


Results from a full-scale biomass combustion study are presented. Pelletized, wood-based forest residue was introduced into a set of low-NOx burners at the Atikokan Generating Station, and coal (lignite) was fed to other burners to produce mass-based biomass fractions of up to approx. 100%. Results confirm a positive reduction in emitted SO2 and NOx, and reducing the excess air should lower NOx emission rates. A higher emission rate of carbon monoxide was observed when biomass was fired in higher proportions, however it is expected that improved burner tuning for biomass would normalize these emissions.

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