Air Emissions from Co-Firing Woodwaste/Peat and Lignite in a Fluidized Bed

C. Badour, A. Gilbert, H. Li, Y. Shao, G. Tourigny, F. Preto, and C. Xu (Canada)


Co-firing; Biomass; Peat; Lignite; Fluidized bed; Air emissions


The effects of the fuel blending ratios (0, 20%, 50%, 80% and 100% on a thermal basis), excess air, and moisture content on air emissions (CO2, CO, SO2 and NOx) from co-combustion of woodwaste or peat and lignite were examined in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed combustor. The results showed that there was no change in superficial CO2 emissions when lignite is co-fired with white pine or peat, while the emission of non-renewable CO2 could be significantly reduced by co-firing, proportional to the fuel blending ratio if assuming the CO2 resulting from peat/white pine is renewable. The co-firing of white pine and lignite demonstrated significant drops in SO2 and NOx emissions, while the co-firing peat and lignite led to an increase in SO2 and only slightly lower NOx emissions. In co-combustion of lignite and pine or peat pellets, the SO2 emission could be lowered considerably when as-received fuels (with a higher moisture content) were used in the combustion, and operated at a lower excess air ratio. In contrary, the NOx emission could be reduced when oven-dried fuels (with a lower moisture content) were used in the combustion, and operated at a higher excess air ratio.

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