Study on Combustion Characteristics of Coal Bed Methane-Air Mixtures

B. Zheng, Y. Liu, R. Liu, Z. Gao, and J. Meng (PRC)


Combustion characteristics, coal bed methane, and constant volume bomb


Combustion characteristics of coal bed methane-air mixtures were studied in a constant volume bomb under equivalence ratios, initial pressures and CH4 concentrations by high-speed combustion pressure data acquisition system. Meanwhile, a quasi-dimensional two zone model was proposed for predicting combustion parameters based on the pressure data. When the equivalence ratio is equal to 1.1, the value of maximum combustion pressure, laminar flame spread velocity and laminar burning velocity is the largest. With the increase of initial pressure, maximum combustion pressure increase obviously, burnt gas temperature increase indistinctively, laminar flame spread velocity and laminar burning velocity decrease. With the increase of CH4 concentration, maximum combustion pressure, laminar flame spread velocity and laminar burning velocity increase obviously.

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