Analysis and Modeling of the Cable-Pulley Power Transmission System in Robots

P. Pitakwatchara (Thailand)


cable-pulley power transmission system, dynamical model, bond graph


Mechanical power transmission via cable and pulley system is a way to transmit the motion and force efficiently. For the purpose of advanced control of the robotic system employing this type of power transmission, we analyze and develop a mathematical model of the cable transmission system. First, the perfect transmission system that has no power loss will be considered. Then, the effects of the ca ble compliance and the friction between the cable and the pulley groove’s surface will be considered. From the anal ysis, the cable compliance distorts the actual motion of the transmission system from the desired one. Also, the fric tion reduces the efficiency of this transmission. Using these results, together with the use of the bond graph modeling approach, a dynamical model of the cable-pulley power transmission basic unit is developed. This model will fur ther be used to design, model, and control the cable-pulley driven robotic system.

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