A Model for Type-2 Fuzzy Control Traffic Shaping over High Speed Network using Double Token Leaky Bucket

S. Lekcharoen (Thailand)


type-2 fuzzy control, traffic shaping.


A traffic shaping is a method help monitor the amount of egress traffic, and makes smooth the burst traffic rate. The traffic shaper wants to optimize or guarantee performance, lower delaying frames, and raises serviceable bandwidth by frames that meet up certain criteria. As the majority networks have a limited amount of bandwidth, the network does not have to become overloaded. Network traffics are always to become so busy. It is leads to choking points. However, one way to solve this problem, we use double token leaky bucket to control traffic shaping. In deed, the telecommunication traffic is always fluctuation. A type-2 fuzzy control is suitable for uncertain traffic, especially in alternative burst and silence. So we have propose a model for ype-2 fuzzy control traffic shaping using double token leaky bucket. It could help to improve the performance in traffic shaping much better than conventional traffic shaping one while various types of burst/silence traffic are being generated.

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