An Interactive 3D Sensor System and its Programming for Target Localizing in Robotics Applications

T. Heikkilä, J.M. Ahola, E. Viljamaa, and M. Järviluoma (Finland)


Interactive Robotics, Human Robot Interaction, Sensor programming


Interactive robotics introduces high flexibility to robotic task execution relying on human intelligence and understanding. We present an interactive sensor system for robotic applications with an approach for easy and flexible planning and programming. Flexible programming results to an arbitrary set of reference features for object localizing (fitting interactive measurements to geometric models) and for this we have also extended our earlier locating algorithm by dynamic formation of the Jacobian of the measurement model. Our CAD based approach gives a general and easy to use approach for programming and executing human-robot interactive tasks where human acts as a part of the environment observer. Experimental results are also reported.

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