Tremor Suppression using Proxy-based Sliding-Mode Control for a Meal-Assist Robot

K. Nishiwaki, S. Hiramatsu, and K. Yano (Japan)


Assistive robotics, Meal-assist, Tremor suppression, Proxy-based sliding-mode control.


In the near future, a labor shortage will constitute a significant problem in the fields of welfare and nursing care. To solve this problem, researchers are developing rehabilita tion and welfare robots such as motion-assist robots and life support robots. The purpose of this study was to develop a meal-assist robot that can help a disabled person with hand tremor. We used a proxy-based sliding-mode control for sensorless admittance control and applied tremor suppres sion control that uses the resonance of proxy-based sliding control. The effectiveness of this system is shown with the newly developed meal-assist robot MARo.

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