Avoiding Zero Division by Switching Dissipation in Time Domain Passivity Control

J. Cheng, Y. Ye (PR China), and D. Wang (Singapore)


Time domain passivity control, zero division, bilateral teleoperation, switching dissipation.


In time domain passivity control, zero division may happen under tiny velocity or force and this will cause the crash of control. In this paper, the idea of switching dissipation is proposed to bypass the zero division problem. Firstly, time domain passivity control of bilateral teleoperation with time delay is reviewed and the power and energy behavior of the communication channel is analyzed. It is found that time delay may result in activeness and in turn generate energy. In a bilateral system, the energy generated by time delay may destabilize the whole system. Then the switching dissipation mechanism is used for the stabilization of bilateral teleoperation. After the compensation of switching dissipation, the bilateral communication is kept passive at every time instant and stable operation is achieved. Simulation results on a bilateral teleoperation system with random asymmetric time delays verify the effectiveness of the approach.

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