A Study of Space Vector Modulation based Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor

L. Kumar, A. Ojha, and S. Jain (India)




In this paper space vector modulation based direct torque control (SVM-DTC) of induction motor is presented and comprehensive simulation study between conventional DTC and SVM-DTC has been carried out. Direct torque control technique is used in ac machine where high performance torque control is mandatory. Direct torque control scheme is very popular to produce rapid and robust response in ac drives. The conventional DTC drive contains pair of hysteresis comparators due to which it suffers from high torque and flux ripple and variable switching frequency. The most popular, space vector modulation technique is used in direct torque control scheme to provide the solution of those problems which are present in conventional DTC. To show the advantages of SVM-DTC over conventional DTC, both models are simulated with Matlab/Simulink in this study. Simulation result shows that the torque ripple, flux linkage and stator current ripple are minimized and switching frequency remains constant using studied SVM-DTC model.

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