Synchronization of Rössler Oscillators on a Spatially Embedded Network: The Role of Interaction Topology

M. Gosak and M. Marhl (Slovenia)


Complex network, chaotic oscillator, synchronization, simulation.


In the last decade synchronization in complex networks has attracted a lot of interest in multidisciplinary fields and still offers new challenges. In the present study we focus on the synchronization of a spatially embedded network of coupled chaotic oscillators giving special emphasis on the role of interaction topology. The employed network model allows us to smoothly alter the network topology from a scale-free network with dominating long-range connections to a network where principally only adjacent oscillators are connected. Our results reveal that the greatest synchronization is achieved in the intermediate regime between a highly heterogeneous scale-free network and a rather homogeneous network with only short-range interactions. Our findings indicate that an optimal ratio between short and long-range connections is necessary in order to obtain the most synchronized response of a given spatial network.

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