An Efficient Approach for Incorporation with a Non-Linear Element in a Quasi Static Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Method in the Time Domain

P. Yutthagowith (Thailand) and A. Ametani (Japan)


Modified nodal analysis, non-linear element, partial element equivalent circuit method


This paper presents an efficiency approach for incorporation with a non-linear element in the quasi-static partial element equivalent circuit method in the time domain. The proposed approach is derived from a PEEC formulation based on a modified nodal analysis. The accuracy and time efficiency of the proposed approach are investigated in comparison with a conventional approach which uses Gaussian elimination for a solution. The accuracy of the method has been validated in comparison with method of moment. As an application, the quasi static PEEC method with the proposed approach has been employed to evaluate coordination of surge protection devices in a low voltage system. Promising accuracy and time efficiency of the proposed approach is found when it is compared with that of the conventional approach.

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