Robust Load Frequency Control for Two Area Interconnected Power System using GA

C. Koisap, S. Kaitwanidvilai, and I. Ngamroo (Thailand)


Robust Loop Shaping Control, Output Feedback Robust Loop Shaping Control, Fixed-Structure Robust Loop Shaping Control, Genetic Algorithm


The design of two area interconnected power system robust controller is described in this paper. The proposed technique uses a fixed-structure robust loop shaping control which can guarantee the robust performance of a structure-specified controller. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is adopted in the design, and the inverse of infinity norm from disturbances to states is formulated as the fitness function to find the optimal controller. Simulation results of designing load frequency controller for two area interconnected power system show that the proposed controller has simpler structure than that of the Η loop shaping controller, and its stability is better than the controllers designed by the LMI approach[6] and the reduced order controller by the Hankel norm model reduction technique.

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