Synchrophasor based Controller Design for Frequency Stabilization of Interconnected Power System with Plug-In Electric Vehicles

S. Dechanupaprittha (Thailand) and Y. Mitani (Japan)


Synchrophasor, controller design, load frequency control, interconnected power system, plug-in electric vehicle.


This paper presents a design of load frequency stabilizer based on synchrophasor and metaheuristic optimization. With various types of controllable distributed energy resources (DERs) with relatively fast controllability option, it can be used as a channel for frequency stabilization of interconnected power system when subject to concurrent charging of excessive units of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). With synchrophasor technique, a simplified oscillation model (SOM) based on the most recent data can be evaluated and referred to as an estimated power system model for detection and assessment of an estimated inter-area oscillation mode. Subsequently, an extended SOM is formulated by including dynamic effects of DER control system. The designed stabilizer can be achieved via a metaheuristic method with less effort towards the design specification. Moreover, performance of the designed stabilizer can be evaluated during design to avoid any adverse effects. Finally, simulation results reveal the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed design.

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