Sustainability Challenges for Electricity Industries in ASEAN Newly Industrializing Countries

P. Vithayasrichareon, I. MacGill (Australia), and T. Nakawiro (Thailand)


Energy sustainability, electricity industries in ASEAN, electricity industry investment.


The region of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one of the fastest developing regions in the world. Strong economic and social development have contributed to rapid growth in electricity consumption within this region, which whilst representing significant societal progress has potentially growing adverse environmental impacts. This study evaluates some key challenges in the electricity industries of five ASEAN newly industrializing countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The framework for this study is the 3A’s energy sustainability objectives: Accessibility, Availability and Acceptability introduced by the World Energy Council. The key sustainability challenges in these countries are generally attributable to satisfying rapid demand growth; enhancing security of electricity supply; and mitigating the increase in CO2 emissions as a result of electricity consumption. We assess the status of the electricity industries in these countries against a range of performance indicators for these challenges. Our study highlights some of the key issues facing governments, the electricity industry and investors, and the need for new decision support tools to guide electricity sector development.

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