Application of Resistive Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter to Wind Farm Interconnection in Smart Grid System

K. Hongesombut (Thailand)


distributed generation, resistive-type superconducting fault current limiter, short-circuit current reduction, smart grid, wind farms.


Large wind farms are currently being developed as distributed generation for smart grids. In spite of increasing of interest of wind power sources in the last few years, the utilities usually have problems with connecting them to the network. In this paper, a detailed model of resistive-type superconducting fault current limiter (RSFCL) including the recovery time characteristic is developed. Then the inclusion of RSFCL to a bus-tie position of a grid interconnected with wind farms is studied. RSFCL is used as a remedial device to prevent the large short-circuit current from reaching its limit during faults, and to improve transient stability. Simulation studies demonstrate the potential benefits of RSFCL on grid interconnection with wind farms.

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