A Study on Power System Applications of Next-Generation Power Devices through Analytic Hierarchy Process

Y. Omagari, O. Saeki, Y. Miura, and H. Sugihara (Japan)


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Distributed Power Generation, Next Generation Power Device


This study investigates promising applications of next generation power devices through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A detailed investigation of applications in power systems is also performed. The results show that applications in automobiles are the most promising, followed by applications in home electrical appliances, although the priorities of criteria vary among the raters. For power system applications, distributed generation (DG) for residential use obtained the high priority. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis of the priorities of criteria shows that an increase in the priority of social factors tends to increase the priority of DG for residential use. We also confirm that AHP allows detailed analysis of changes in the perceptions of raters.

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