A Programming Environment Consisting of Web Services

K.-i. Nakatani, T. Omori, and K. Maruyama (Japan)


IDE; Software components; Distributed systems


An integrated development environment (IDE) is essential for modern development of object-oriented software. By using an IDE, developers can create their software pro grams effectively and productively. However, conventional IDEs provide a limited number of functions with less flexi bility. Therefore, not all developers are satisfied with those prepared functions. In real development, most developers must install new functions they want and update existing functions they maintain. This paper proposes a framework in which every IDE function consists of web services dis tributed on the Internet, and presents a programming en vironment to support compilation services based on this framework. In this environment, developers do not have to install a variety of compilers in their local computers. Consequently, this programming environment encourages the developers to concentrate on their programming tasks. Although the current version of a running implementation of this compilation service is a minimum prototype to par tially demonstrate its feasibility, it suggests the potential of implementing IDEs consisting of web services and liberat ing developers from troublesome installation and update of IDEs.

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