Spider-QA: A Systematic Approach for Quality Assurance Process

M.P. Teles, S.R.B. Oliveira (Brazil)


Quality Assurance; Process; Quality Models and Norms; Free Software Tools.


The Software Quality Assurance process is essential to improve both product and development process of an organization. This paper presents the Spider-QA, a tool to assist the implementation of quality assurance process in an organization, assisting product and process audition and noncompliance issues solution. The Spider-QA consists on a tool that attends MR-MPS model (Modelo para Melhoria do Processo de Software Brasileiro – Model for Brazilian Software Process Improvement), launched in 2003 by SOFTEX (Associação para Promoção da Excelência do Software Brasileiro Association for Promoting Brazilian Software Excellence). This paper also presents results, showing the effectiveness of the Spider-QA, obtained through an evaluation made by specialists on Quality Assurance and software process quality models and norms.

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