Direct Inter-Node Communication between Vector Units of a Cell BE Cluster

Y.L. Gweth, S. Lankes, and T. Bemmerl (Germany)


Cell BE cluster, Heterogeneous computing, InfiniBand, OS-Bypassing


In a Cell-based cluster, vector units are used as acceler ators for compute-intensive tasks to provide high perfor mance. Currently, direct communication between vector units on different cluster nodes is not supported. The over all inter-node communication bandwidth is reduced by the fact that the general- purpose processor is responsible for sending and/or receiving data on behalf of the vector units over the InfiniBand network. Thus a reduction of the com munication latencies can be achieved through direct access to the InfiniBand network for the vector units without in volvement of the general-purpose core. This work focusses on the design of a strategy to build an effective inter-node communication scheme between the vector units over In finiBand and the implementation of a library which allows direct access for the vector units to the InfiniBand network.

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