Extending CAODV to Accommodate Mobility Management of Participating Devices in MANETs

M. Roy, T. Das, S. Roy, and N. Mukherjee (India)


MANET, ad hoc routing protocols


MANETs are typically characterized by the dynamic nature of their topology. To select a node and the best route to it in a MANET, an existing routing algorithm called the Capability aware routing algorithm, gathers all the details regarding the capability of that node during route discovery before a new job is submitted every time. However, it may so happen that the service provider may move out of position before the client request actually reaches it, or even after the job has been submitted. The client also may move out of range after submitting a service request. In this paper, we propose a Jini based MANET and extend the CAODV algorithm to accommodate the above mentioned scenarios.

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