EXCEED – Excellence Center for Development Cooperation Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries

M. Bahadir (Germany)


Sustainable Water Management, Developing Countries, Capacity Building, Networking, Curriculum Development


The Excellence Center for Development Cooperation – Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries, implemented by TU Braunschweig together with 23 partner universities in developing countries, is one of five projects on Millennium Development Goals MDG, which were awarded funding with one million Euro per year each over a five-year period by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation (BMZ) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Through its specific study programs and research profile, TU Braunschweig offers outstanding expertise in Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries. Pioneering research and academic cooperation projects with strategic partners from developing countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and South-East Asia have been developed with a strong focus on sustainable and transferable solutions for each country’s predominant water-related issues. Based on a world-wide network of 24 partners the Excellence Center will focus on capacity building in developing countries through training of and networking between experts. The Coordinating Unit is located at the TU Braunschweig; three Satellite Centers are established at the Mut’ah University in Karak, Jordan, the Universidad de Guadalajara in Guadalajara, Mexico, and the Water Resources University in Hanoi, Vietnam. The project partners are aiming at extending the cooperation also to the Sub-Sahara Region. This presentation given by the project chairman is going to provide an insight into the project’s goals in order to discover interested colleagues from the Sub-Sahara Region and to establish an African Branch of this worldwide network for capacity building through education.

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