Quantitative Study of Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources Transfer Project in Hebei Province, North China

L. Yang and T.-z. Gao (PR China)


Optimal allocation of water resources, sustainable utilization,analytical hierarchy process, linear programming, the middleline of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, North China


Water resource is irreplaceable as one kind of important natural resources and strategic economic resources. Water resources optimal allocation is an important means to solve the problem of water resources in order to keep the relative balance of the supply and demand of regional water resources. For ensuring the sustainable development, according to the principle of regional water resources optimal allocation and characteristics of water resources of Hebei Province , North China of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and aiming at the maximum synthesized benefits of limited water resources, the model for water resources optimal allocation was established. The constraints of available water resources, water demands of different users and harmonious development of regional water environmental and economic system were considered. The cause function, restriction and parameters were discussed. At last, optimal allocation of water resources in the middle line of South-to-North Water Transfer Project in Hebei Province, North China was studied under the guarantee of 95 % in 2008 and 2014. The results were evaluated and developed, which showed that South-to-North Water Transfer Project can solve the serious water shortage in Hebei province, North China.

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