Men and Women in Irrigated Agriculture in Southeastern Nigeria

E.C. Amaechina, E.C. Nwagbo, and E.C. Eboh (Nigeria)


Irrigated agriculture, gender, technology, poverty


Irrigated agriculture is widely acknowledged as strategic to increasing agricultural productivity and improving rural people’s income. By extending crop growing season beyond the rainy season and ensuring higher yields from crops, irrigated agriculture contributes to household food security. Although women’s work has remained critical to the survival and security of poor households and an important route through which they are able to escape out of poverty, they have fewer opportunities to share in and benefit from development in the irrigation sector. This paper examines gender and decision making in the context of irrigated agriculture in southeastern Nigeria. A case study of the Lower Anambra Irrigation Project showed that gender is a critical factor in allocation of farm plots, decision making as well as performance of farm activities as women had limited access to land in the project.

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