Determination of Fault Tolerance and Latency of all Optical Switch - The Augmented Data Vortex

N. Sharma, D. Chadha, and V. Chandra (India)


Augmented data vortex, all optical, latency.


The Augmented Data Vortex Switch (ADV), an all optical packet switched interconnection network has been proposed [1] in our earlier work to improve the fault tolerance and latency performance of the Data Vortex all optical packet switch proposed by Yang et. al [2]. The ADV switch shows improvement in fault tolerance and reliability over the DV switch in addition to enjoying the features of high capacity, high throughput and scalability. The latency performance of ADV under non faulty condition by means of numerical simulations has been evaluated. The results showed that the non faulty ADV switch with enhanced fault tolerance also improves the performance regarding latency, while maintaining nearly the same throughput. In our present work, with the help of a simple example of matrix calculation, we have evaluated the latency performance of the ADV under worst faulty condition. The results show that even with the worst faulty condition, the calculations can be performed without much degradation in latency. The idea behind this simple exercise is to represent the suitability of the high bandwidth, low latency, high throughput, highly scalable ADV interconnection network for applications where the system should be operational for maximum times, with minimal delay in response even under worst case faulty conditions.

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