Performance Optimization and Long System Reach for 8 x 160 Gbit/s OTDM Transmission with PMD

A. AlOrainy (Saudi Arabia)


Performance, simulation, 160Gb/s systems, PMD


The use of ultra-high bit rate channels for WDM transmission is an attractive approach to increase the capacity of future networks. We perform numerical optimization of multichannel 160 Gbit/s transmission systems taking into account various system parameters including polarization mode dispersion (PMD) for different fiber types and dispersion compensation techniques. For an 8x160 Gbit/s OTDM system the maximum reach was shown to be 350 Km and 875Km for SMF and special dispersion managed fibers (DMF), respectively. Alternate compensation dispersion scheme was shown to be more robust to dispersion PMD improving substantially the performance of high-speed multichannel terrestrial systems. Furthermore, using a hybrid solution we have also shown that system reach can be greatly extended to ~1430 Km

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