Occlusion Aware Motion Compensation for Video Frame Rate Up-Conversion

B. Cizmeci and H.F. Ates (Turkey)


Video frame rate up-conversion, true motion estimation, overlapped block motion compensation, occlusion detection


Since the emergence of high definition (HD) display tech nologies, video standards conversion problem has become an important issue in storage, transmission and display of video content. Video frame rate up-conversion (FRUC) is considered as a standard task for today’s HD displays because these displays reach high refresh rates of at least 100/120 Hz and low video frame rates should be pulled up by a factor of 2 or more before display. Motion com pensated FRUC techniques are proposed to avoid motion blur and motion judder at high refresh rates, but these tech niques suffer from spatial inconsistencies and artifacts es pecially in occluded regions of the interpolated frames. This paper introduces a new video FRUC method that aims to remove both motion judder and occlusion arti facts and generate smooth object motion for high qual ity displays. An occlusion adaptive overlapped block mo tion compensation (OBMC) technique is proposed, which provides spatio-temporally consistent frame interpolation. Covered/uncovered regions are detected by analyzing the discontinuities of the motion vector field. The occlusion regions are interpolated using this covered/uncovered deci sion and a new error metric that measures spatial consis tency. Compared to existing methods, the proposed algo rithm achieves FRUC with fewer artifacts and better spatial resolution especially in occluded areas.

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