Subjective Picture Quality Evaluation of MVC Stereo High Profile for Full-Resolution Stereoscopic High-Definition 3D Video Applications

T. Chen and Y. Kashiwagi (USA)


Multiview video coding (MVC), 3D video, stereoscopic


This work is to examine the feasibility of using MVC Stereo High Profile for full-resolution stereoscopic high definition 3D video applications, such as 3D broadcast and streaming. The simulations and evaluation results are intended to serve as a reference on how much bitrate increase is required to include the second view for quality HD 3D video applications. MVC compression has been simulated on nine 3D video clips selected from animation and live action shots including progressive and interlaced material. A wide range of combined bitrates running from 12.6Mbps to 24Mbps have been used. The results of subjective picture quality evaluation suggested that, as compared to 2D, a 20~25% bitrate increase would provide satisfactory picture quality in HD 3D video applications.

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