Manipulation Detection Method of Color Images using Multiple Watermarking

K. Suziki and S. Wada (Japan)


Watermarking, Image media security, Manipulation detection, DWT, DCT


In this paper, a new manipulation detection method of color images using multiple watermarking is proposed. The purpose of manipulation detection is to protect the original digital color image contents from unfair manipulation. In our method, the multiple watermarks are embedded into the transform domain using DWT-DCT. The transformed domain is selected to be imperceptible to reduce the degradation of the contents. Two methods are proposed to detect the manipulation. The watermarking method 1 is to embed the watermark in lower frequency components to detect manipulation in low frequency region, while the watermarking method 2 is to embed the watermark in high frequency components to detect manipulation in high frequency region. In order to evaluate the detection capability of the watermarking, the computer simulation was executed. It is shown that the proposed method is effective to detect the manipulation such as overdrawing, blurring, cropping and noise addition.

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