Meaningful Hybrid e-Training Model for Web-based Computer Education

D. Rosseni, M.K.Z. Faisal, N.A. Johar, M.S. Zakaria, K.A. Mastor, M.S. Nordin, N.L. Abu Kassim, T.B. Tunku Ahmad, S.R. Ariffin, N. Md. Ishak, A. Abdul Karim, N. Nordin and N.A. Razak (Malaysia)


Structural equation modelling, e-training, e-learning style, meaningful learning


The main purpose of this study was to develop a model for meaningful hybrid e-training. Data collected from 213 ICT trainers were tested with confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 7.0 to obtain two best-fit measurement models for the two latent variables. Overall reliability using Alpha-Cronbach test, items and persons reliability using the Rasch Model and content validation by experts suggested that the questionnaire is reliable and valid to measure a meaningful hybrid e-training program. The results showed that there is a positive strong relationship between hybrid e-training and meaningful e training. In brief the study showed a substantial effect of hybrid e-training towards achieving meaningful learning. In conclusion, the study suggested that, future training regarding the use of hybrid e-training should include all five components of a meaningful hybrid e-training instead of merely focusing on content.

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