Building of e-Management Control and Evaluation System for Educational Institutions using Object-Oriented Approach

A. Kulkarni and V. Pougatchev (Jamaica)


e-Management Control and Evaluation System, Balanced Scorecard, Quantifiable approach, 360-degree evaluation, V-index.


In this paper we would like to share our experience of building an effective, simple, profound and inexpensive e Management Control and Evaluation System (eMCES), which includes strategic, academic and financial planning, performance evaluation of all categories of Academic and non-Academic staff and management components. Our approach is to create an Online System, which allows the institution to respond promptly to real-world challenges and opportunities that might impact upon its short and long-term strategies. This decision is based on our research and expertise vis-à-vis purchasing an off-the shelf product. In previous papers [1, 2] we have already described some fragments of the eMCES. However, we feel a responsibility to Academic Society to present solutions we have found during this investigation and to discuss some ideas. We hope this will be helpful to other institutions building similar systems independently or in collaboration with us.

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