Researchmap Opening the Door to the World of Science2.0

N. Arai and R. Masukawa (Japan)


Science2.0, CSCW, knowledge sharing, science education


Our project team launched a new web service, Researchmap. Researchmap is an information sharing platform for the researchers. By unifying the data of researchers, such as academic literature and conference talks, Researchmap supports researchers to build their own portal sites instantly, and to start collaboration with other researchers. The user of Researchmap obtains three virtual spaces of the different access levels. The first one is called “My Portal” which can be used as his/her homepage. The second one is called “My Room” which is meant for his/her virtual private space which is not accessible by anyone else. The last one is called “Community” which can be used as collaborative working/learning space with other member researchers. Researchmap provides more than 30 portlet applications including Curriculum Vitae, Weblog, Cabinet and Video Sharing. The user can arrange the portlet applications on a given page by drag-and-drop manner: the user can arrange them intuitively just as he/she arranges his/her room to express himself/herself

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