Barriers to Innovation in e-Pedagogy: A Case Study

J. Rutkowski and K. Moscinska (Poland)


Technology-Based Education, e-pedagogy, e-learning.


The paper investigates barriers to innovation in e pedagogy, seeks answer to the following basic question: “why teachers underutilize innovative tools?”. The Authors report on a case study that was carried out at the Silesian University of Technology. Teachers using the Moodle learning platform were surveyed to see: 1) to what extent they made use of its different elements, 2) identify barriers in e-learning development and see teachers’ general opinion about this form of education. Firstly, based on the survey results, comments related with these two groups of questions are given, then some general conclusions are drawn. Answer to the basic question is given as well, however no special recommendations for ensuring that teachers embrace rather than resist a move to e-education are offered. It looks that “carrot and stick” is the only effective policy that is able to force teachers to leave their “classroom kingdom”.

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