Feasibility Study of Teaching Electronics Technology using Second Life

Z. Wang, Z. Li, and D.R. Wilcox (USA)


Second Life labs, Education, Electronics, long distance course, Southern Polytechnic, engineering universities.


Second life is a virtual 3-Dimensional world. Represented by Second Life and such applications have important values. Second Life`s education practices demonstrate the following characteristics: diversity of subject areas, as Second Life is widely applied in astronomy, linguistics, medicine, art, design, business, history and other areas. Second Life is used in many kinds of teaching forms, including long distance learning, instructional, virtual classrooms and virtual libraries. The virtual Second Life world will allow the distance learning students access to a virtual laboratory with only internet and computer connection. There are few engineering universities using Second Life for distance learning courses. Our research is unique and innovate in that we are exploring the feasibility of the application of Second Life for electrical engineering and electrical engineering technology education.

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