Interactive Projections in Classroom

V.M.A. Santos and F.G.M. Silva (Portugal)


Advanced Technology in Education, Human-Computer Interface, Low-Cost Interactive Whiteboard, Wiimote.


The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a key role in schools and teaching methods. The use of interactive whiteboards is one of the technologies that have increased in the last years. Now students make notes in digital format instead of the notebook, allowing greater sharing of resources and ideas between students and teachers. However, the solutions offered by major manufacturers have a high price, limiting access to these resources to a large number of educational institutions, so it is necessary found cheaper solutions. One such solution is the Wiimote Whiteboard presented by Johnny Lee that allows anyone to have a low cost interactive whiteboard using only the Wiimote and an infra-red emitter. Based on this technology, we developed three applications to support classes for use in combination with the Wiimote Whiteboard. These applications will be described, showing the main differences for identical solutions in the market, as well a new way developed to control the computer at distance.

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