Optical Spectrum CDMA: Simulation Analysis for Zero Cross Correlation Code

E.I. Babekir (Sudan) and N.M. Saad (Malaysia)


Optical Spectrum Code Division Multiple Access (OSCDMA), Modified Double Weight Code (MDW), Double Weight Code (DW), Zero Cross-Correlation Code (ZCC).


This paper examines the detection technique for new invented code named as Zero Cross Correlation code (ZCC) which it used for fiber optic Spectrum Code division Multiple Access (OSCDMA). The new invented code has been obtained based on Modified Double Weight Code. The name zero cross correlation comes from the cross correlation value between code sequence which is equivalent to zero. The result shows that, the invented code has better performance when compared to the Modified Double Weight Code (MDW) because the former has smaller correlation value than the latter, thus the desired signal can be detected easily from unwanted ones. The results have been done for four users, the weight of ZCC code equal to two, and different data rate but with the same fiber optic length. The simulation conducted using VPI software version 7.1.

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