Usage of the Statistical Theory for Increasing Rate of Operation of Standard 802.11n Network Indoors

A. Lagunov and O. Eshevsky (Russia)


Radio Ethernet, wireless, interference, disturbance, Wi Fi, reflectance.


MIMO technology in standard 802.11n draft 2.0 allows to increase data transmission up to 300 Mbit/s. To operate successfully this network demands that the signals from transmitting antenna to receiving antenna go by diferent ways so that to create a multibeam reflection in the indoor area. The authors proceed from the statistic theory of radio wave transmission and come up with a formula of defining the interflection time T . The conclusions are that the time T can be selected preparing the indoor area: e.g. placing high reflection coefficient surfaces in the room. Time T increases from 210 ns (before indoor manipulations) to 390 ns (after arrangements). The authors do not recommend the increase of time T by more than 400 ns, as «guard interval» may be exceeded and required result is not achieved. Practical research with standard on 802.11n draft 2.0 equipment proved theoretical conclusions and showed that after-treatment data transmission rate increases by 10% upon the average.

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