Eventological Models for Valuation Problem of Risk Bankruptcy of Business Enterprise

M. Sherykalova (Russia)


Eventological linguistic variable, fuzzy experimental game, eventological scoring.


The theory of eventology is the science theory about great eventive variety of subjects (the reasons) and objects (the matters). The function of reason is significant in process of risk assessment bankruptcy enterprises. Therefore, us ing of eventology theory to given class of the problems is possible. Such method has several advantages off others ones. In given work reception of necessary information for risk assessment bankruptcy enterprises is offered pro duce by modeling eventological linguistic variable. Af ter modeling using of fussy events theory is possible to problem risk assessment bankruptcy of the enterprise ap pears. Such eventological linguistic variable provide to estimator the full necessary information. Because of ones imperfection and existences fuzzy information about en terprise and presences of the reason at risk assessment bankruptcy enterprises, in work is offered consider the theory of eventological scoring on considered class of the problems. And as a result was educed need of the recep tion new formula. Conclusion procedure some of them presents in this paper.

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