Proposing an Integrated Impact Assessment of the Regulation Project of Flood-Prone Areas in Taiwan

H.-C. Lee, H.-C. Li, and D. Shaw (Taiwan)


Integrated Impact Assessment Method (IIAM), Regulation Project, Social Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment


This paper presents a method and procedure to integrate Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment. By taking the advantages and leaving out the disadvantages of the existing extended Cost-Benefit Analysis, Multi-Criteria analysis, the checklist approach, the expert opinion methods, etc., the proposed method is designed to assist the Regulation Project of Flood-prone Areas in Taiwan in conducting impact assessments. The characteristics of the proposed approach include: it is at the local level so the method must be specific and fit the local condition; it is simple so most engineering project planners can use it; it is multi-criteria so important viewpoints will not be overlooked; it focuses on both weights of significance and performance scores so that a priority list of tasks to be improved can be identified; it should include both interactive participation and survey; and it looks at both impact and process.

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