Control of Electrical Stimulation Assisted Cycling for Rehabilitation of Stroke Subjects using EMG and NIRS

J.-J.J. Chen, L.-M. Liu, P.-Y. Lin, C.-C. Lo, and Y.-L. Wang (Taiwan)


Hybrid Activation, Functional Electrical Therapy, Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy


The beneficial effects of cycling exercise via electrical stimulation (ES) have been demonstrated to improve human motion of populations with muscle disabilities, such as post-stroke, and incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). During ES-assisted cycling, muscle contraction is generated from two different excitation sources, volitional contraction and external ES, which is referred as hybrid muscle activation. However, research of control strategies and assessment from motor recovery and brain reorganization via ES-assisted cycling has been seldom studied using traditional neuroimaging techniques due to the motion constraints. In this study, we investigated the control of ES-assisted cycling and investigated regional cortical activities of bilateral sensorimotor cortices (SMC), supplementary motor areas (SMA) and premotor cortices (PMC) measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) under varied forms of ES-induced cycling conditions. Software and hardware implementation for extracting volitional and ES-induced electromyographic (EMG) signals during cycling were used to design control strategies for assessing the voluntary and ES-induced contraction. The brain-based rehabilitation scheme using NIRS should provide general guideline for design control strategies and patient-tailored therapeutic scheme for stroke patients.

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