Towards Simulation Workflows with BPEL: Deriving Missing Features from GriCoL

M. Sonntag, K. Görlach, D. Karastoyanova, and N. Currle-Linde (Germany)


Simulation tools and languages, Workflow management, BPEL, GriCoL


In this paper, we investigate the suitability of the general purpose workflow language BPEL to create executable simulation workflows. We therefore compare BPEL to GriCoL, a graphical language with proven applicability for simulation workflows in Grid environments. We discover a number of incomparable concepts in the two languages. On the one hand, BPEL’s unique features in comparison to GriCoL reveal the rationale behind the approach of using BPEL as basis for a simulation workflow language. On the other hand, based on the features of GriCoL, we are able to discuss how to extend BPEL in order to increase its expressiveness for simulation workflows.

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