Analysis of Symmetric Coupled Line with New Crossbar Embedded Structure for Improved Attenuation Characteristics on the Lossy Media

Y. Kim (Korea)


Embedded crossbar substrate shielding, FDTD, quality factor, Attenuation characteristics.


A characterization procedure for analyzing symmetric coupled MIS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) transmission line is used the same procedure as a general single layer symmetric coupled line with perfect dielectric substrate from the extraction of the characteristic impedance and propagation constant for even- and odd mode. In this paper, an analysis for a new substrate shielding symmetric coupled MIS structure consisting of grounded crossbar at the interface between Si and SiO2 layer using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is presented. In order to reduce the substrate effects on the transmission line characteristics, a shielding structure consisting of grounded crossbar lines over time domain signal has been examined. Symmetric coupled MIS transmission line parameters for even- and odd-mode are investigated as the functions of frequency, and the extracted distributed frequency-dependent transmission line parameters and corresponding equivalent circuit parameters as well as quality factor for the new MIS crossbar embedded structure are also presented. It is shown that the quality factor of the symmetric coupled transmission line can be improved without significant change in the characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant.

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