Ontology-based Concept Map Learning Path Reasoning System using SWRL Rules

K.-K. Chu and C.-I. Lee (Taiwan)


Ontology, learning path, SWRL, semantic web, expert system, concept map


Concept maps are graphical representations of knowledge. Many studies indicate that concept mapping may reduce students’ cognitive load and extend simple memory function. The major objective of this study is therefore the diagnosis of students’ concept map learning abilities and the provision of personally constructive advice dependant on their learning path and progress. Ontology is a good method with which to represent and store concept map information, while Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules are easy to understand and to use as specific reasoning services. In this study, we chose a grade 7 lakes and rivers curriculum for which to devise a concept map learning path reasoning service. The curriculum concept map was mapped onto the ontology and it was recommended that common concept SWRL rules are defined and created. Students’ learning paths, SWRL rules and curriculum information were translated to the JESS expert system inference engine, with the final output presenting the learners’ common subjects and concepts, suggesting the recommended concepts to act as a learning path for the individual user.

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