DVB-T Broadcasting of SMS and MMS Data: The Emergency Management Case Study

E. Gambi, G. Rascioni, and S. Spinsante (Italy)


Digital Video Broadcasting, SMS, MMS, Gateway, Emergency


Among the different opportunities introduced by the Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial, a prominent role is played by the possibility to associate user interactive applications to the video content. With the aim to propose a new application of this technology, the present paper introduces a Java gateway designed to interface the GSM/GPRS network and the DVB-T infrastructure, to allow the broad casting of texts and images originated by mobile phones to a widespread set of receiving users. This application may be useful in a number of different scenarios. Among them, as an example, we discuss the case study of an emergency management scenario: Civil Protection operators may collect information and images directly in the field during an earthquake event (simulated or real), and deliver them to the population spread over a geographic area, by means of the DVB-T infrastructure. The availability of the proposed gateway allows collecting information without the need of sending TV operators in the field. An experimental set up shows that text messages and images are correctly delivered to the end users watching TV; short delays are experienced during image transfer, that do not affect the service effectiveness, and no loss of information takes place.

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