A Normalized Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic Verbs and its Evaluation WITHIN the LKB Platform

N. Loukil, R. Ktari, K. Haddar, and A. Benhamadou (Tunisia)


Syntactic lexicon, LMF, TDL, HPSG, LKB.


Lexicon reusability in several formalisms and frameworks is known to be among the most complicated issues in natural language processing. In this paper, we present a normalized syntactic lexicon of Arabic verbs based on the Lexical Markup Framework. This framework is a new ISO standard created to enable versatile lexicon description and Natural Language Processing systems interoperability. We describe the syntactic information associated to verbs and the model we adopt to structure and represent the lexicon. To prove the usability of the resource, we implemented a rule-based system that translates it into Type Description Language. The generated lexicon is tested with a previ ously written Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar for Arabic built within the Language Knowledge Builder platform. Finally, we discuss experimental results and further improvements.

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