Evaluation of Effectiveness of Authentication System based on Location Information of Mobile Phones

H. Takamizawa and K. Kaijiri (Japan)


Authentication, Mobile phone, GPS, AGPS, Web-based education


It is difficult to guarantee the reliability of authentication in web-based education because web-based education systems generally use ID-password authentication, which is not effective against certain types of spoofing. We proposed an authentication method that is based on the location information of the learner’s mobile phone. This method prevents fraudulent authentication by confirming whether the learner is at home. Usually, web-based education courses and tests can be accessed from anywhere. However, students should be allowed to access these courses and tests only from a specific place, e.g., their home. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of the authentication method in various situations. For this purpose, we experimented acquire the position information of mobile phones more than 300 times at 29 urban centers and 22 rural centers. The results showed that the density of base stations and the distance of the students’ mobile phone from the registered testing site were closely related to accuracy of the location information. In addition, we have refined our previously proposed authentication method.

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